Recent Thoughts

Ecaveo on What you can learn about Organisational Culture from Slow Horses

Organisational Culture: Slow Horses

Slow Horses - Lessons on Organisational CultureI recently revisited the captivating series Slow Horses on Apple TV. While the engrossing plot and compelling characters easily hold attention, I was struck by how the show portrays organisational culture. Beneath the MI5 intrigue and high-stakes drama lies a ...
The Rise of the Chief AI Officer

Rise of the Chief AI Officer

The Rise of the Chief AI OfficerSo... Despite AI bubbling away at pace for many years, it is the relatively recent emergence of GenAI or Generative AI onto the scene that has really captured the imagination of the public and business alike.And despite the promise ...

Funding Your Film

The Art and Strategy of Securing Film Funding: A Comprehensive GuideFilmmaking is often described as a miracle, a journey from the spark of an idea to the final flicker on the big screen. This intricate process, filled with creativity and logistical challenges, starts long before ...

Why Hire a Consultant

  So following a recent conversation with a client, I was challenged with summing up the answer to the question on most clients' lips... Why should I engage you? Well, in today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, seeking professional guidance and expertise can make a world ...

My Journey as a Mentor

The Critical Role of Mentorship Building a successful business is an extraordinary journey, filled with challenges, opportunities, and a myriad of decisions that can shape the future of your venture. While tenacity, creativity, and a solid business plan are essential, having a mentor can be the ...

Cyber Risk in the Boardroom

We live in a world where digital and cyber threats are as real as physical ones. As board members and non-executive directors, we’re the guardians of our organisation’s reputation, assets, and integrity. And in today’s digital age, that means being the guardians of our cybersecurity ...

Misinformation & Climate Change

Stay with me on this for my ask at the end! Chewing the Cud on Climate Change at a recent board meeting, there were two items that were most veraciously discussed.  The first is the widespread dissemination of misleading information and the second, the increasing perils ...
How should you reward your startup advisor?

Compensating a Startup Advisor

Reward for ValueStartup advisors bring valuable insights, industry expertise, and connections that can accelerate growth, help avoid common pitfalls, and provide strategic guidance. Advisors may support areas such as product development, fundraising, marketing strategies, and customer acquisition. The nature and depth of their engagement will ...

Future of the Film Industry?

“What does the future of film look like”?This is the intriguing question asked of me during a recent GrowthMentor session with an engaging film production entrepreneur. With technology and digital platforms continuously evolving, the film industry has been adapting at an unprecedented pace. The pandemic, ...

Disloyal Boards? Think Again

Courting a business with a view to joining their board, I was asked to share my thoughts on board effectiveness and due to warmth with which my comments were received, I thought I’d share them here for your consideration and hopefully to provoke some thinking ...

Growing your Business

As we embark on a new quarter, Q2 of 2024 presents a key opportunity for entrepreneurs to focus on growing their business, raising finance, and scaling up their ventures. The decisions and strategies you implement now can set the stage for success throughout the year. ...