TEDx: Hiring Mad Mavericks!

The Chronicles of a Mad Maverick: My TEDx Rollercoaster Ride

If you’ve ever had a burning desire to completely lose track of time, develop an unhealthy obsession with PowerPoint and find yourself speaking to the mirror more than your own family, then I have a suggestion for you: Do a TEDx talk. I did and I’m here to share the uproarious rollercoaster ride that was my journey into embracing the “crazy”.

The first thing you learn doing a TEDx talk is that red dot is less a spotlight and more a circular purgatory. It’s like being in a bizarre game show where stepping off the mark might lead to an existential crisis for the audience, who suddenly find themselves staring at an empty stage. So, you stand there, ensnared, wondering if you’re delivering a TEDx talk or participating in a twisted version of “The Floor is Lava”.

The second revelation is that there’s a fine line between being quirky and being a “Mad Maverick”. One minute you’re striding around your house in flip-flops and a Hawaiian shirt, enthusiastically explaining your ideas to a bemused spouse, the next you’re on stage discussing how embracing the unconventional can lead to breakthrough success. You find yourself transformed from an ageing misfit into a trailblazing icon, igniting the world with your radical ideas.

As a Mad Maverick, I quickly found that the world of public speaking comes with its own set of peculiar challenges. For example, there’s the dilemma of whether to stay true to your unconventional self and ride onto the stage on a unicycle or adhere to societal norms and use the conventional, pedestrian method of walking. I chose the latter, but I still have regrets (and a unicycle)!

What is perhaps the most intriguing is how your perception of ‘crazy’ changes. As a Mad Maverick, you come to see ‘crazy’ as a synonym for untapped potential. It’s no longer about managing ‘crazy’, but unleashing it. You develop a newfound appreciation for your Hawaiian-shirt wearing, surfboard scribbling friends and realise that their unorthodox approaches are what the world needs.

Finally, you learn that a TEDx talk is a paradox. It’s a place where you’re both the student and the teacher. You stand on stage, sharing your wisdom about embracing the ‘crazy’, all while learning how to navigate the thrilling, terrifying and utterly absurd world of public speaking.

So, for me, a TEDx talk is a journey of self-discovery, an expedition into the land of the unconventional. It’s a ride full of wild twists, turns and loops, but it’s one that I wouldn’t trade for the world. After all, it’s not every day that you get to stand on a stage, share your love for the ‘crazy’ and inspire others to do the same.